The Cardio-vascular Workout (running, cycling and swimming)

To accomplish a good cardio-vascular workout you should always remember to warm up first and cool down afterwards. This means gently stretching and moving your muscles to start off with. Suddenly moving into full exercise without building up first will cause problems such as stiffness and cramps. Ease yourself into it. Then after exercise, the cool down is basically gently moving the muscles and joints to stretch and relax, as your body returns to its normal pace.


Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes. The technology put into these shoes nowadays is highly researched and designed to reduce shock to the feet, ankles, legs and back. So don't skimp on these - you get what you pay for.Before you start your run, be sure to warm up first. Start with a brisk walk ensuring you move your arms vigorously gradually breaking into a slow jog. It is better to run at a speed to which you can still converse. If you find yourself losing breath, slow your pace down until you've recovered. If you are a novice runner try running and walking, until you can hold your run for 15 minutes.

Now increase the length and time of your run by a couple of minutes every other time you hit the road or treadmill, until you can run for 30 minutes without stopping. Try to increase your run time by 10% each week, remember not to over do it and don’t forget to warm down at the end of each by slowing down gradually. When your run is complete stretch your legs for 30 seconds per muscle, hamstring, calf and thigh.

The Reasons Why You Should Try Rowing Machine?

rowing machine
The rowing machine is a great way to get an upper and lower body cardiovascular workout. The machines have been reported to burn upwards of 1000 calories for each hour spent exercising on one. However, they do tend to become monotonous and boring when exercising for long periods of time. One way to combat boredom when using a rowing machine is to watch a TV show or listen to music while performing your exercise routines. You can also vary your workouts with periods of high intensity rowing interspersed with periods of low intensity rowing.

There are four types of resistance used in rowing machines. They are magnetic resistance, piston resistance, water resistance, and air resistance. Water and air rowing machines are the most popular, but they tend to cost the most. Rowing machines are designed to imitate the rowing of a boat in the open water. They are the perfect answer to help rehabilitate muscles, ligaments, and joints after an injury.

What is Chin-ups and how to do Chin-ups?

The chin-up is a strength training exercise. People frequently do this exercise with the intention of strengthening muscles such as the latissimus dorsi and biceps, which extend the shoulder and flex the elbow, respectively. A chin-up is very similar to a pull-up with the exception of hand position. Chin-ups are performed with your palms facing your body, while pull-ups are performed with your hands facing away from your body.

Variations of Chin-ups
  • Sternal chinups : this variant employs a fuller range of motion at the top, raising beyond the chin and touching the sternum to the bar. The elbows are nearly directly below the shoulders this way. This requires adequate scapular depression. If leaning back (arching the spine) a sternum-up can be done that is not a chin-up, this shifts to requiring scapular retraction.